Homework Expectation
Homework is a time to reinforce daily learning, complete set tasks, read books and research materials, research for assessment tasks, and to reflect upon newly developed and taught knowledge skills. Learners are expected to put aside 30 – 40 minutes per day per subject, Monday – Thursday. Learners are encouraged to set time aside on Sunday afternoons/evenings to revise the previous week’s work for each subject in order to be prepared for the new week.
Good Hope High School complies with the Western Cape Education Department Curriculum.
Senior Phase (Grades 7 - 9)
English Home Language
Afrikaans First Additional Language
(Xhosa offered to Grade 8 and 9 learners)
Life Orientation
Economic and Management Sciences
Arts and Culture
Natural Science
Human and Social Sciences
Bible Studies
FET Phase (Grades 10 - 12)
English Home Language
Afrikaans or Xhosa First Additional
Language Life Orientation
Bible Studies
Mathematics or Mathematical Literacy
Geography, History or Economics
Physical Science, Business Studies or Tourism
Life Sciences, Computer Applications Technology (CAT) or Accounting
Each learning has a required number of tasks to complete each term. These tasks include class tests, controlled tests and activities as determined by the educator. There are two formal examinations scheduled for Grades 7 -11 in June and November. Grade 12 learners have two internal examinations scheduled for the year in June and September, and a final external examination, scheduled by the National Education Department in October/November. Learners will receive a program of assessment from learning area educators. Parents/guardians are welcome to request this program from the educators.