
Good Hope High school has an excellent choir and other musical groups, who often perform away from the school. The choir is open to all senior learners (Grades 10 – 12). The Choir tours have become a tradition over the years and learners are enthused by this biennial event. Tours are arranged as a means of taking learners on educational excursions outside of Cape Town as well as to promote the school across Southern Africa.

The school takes pride in its well established choirs. The Senior Choir serves as the school’s main tool for promotions. They do regular tours to promote the school and also to allow learners to see parts of our country they may never get to see. The Girls Choir represent the school at Eistedfords, etc. 

‘As the children sang in the temple courts, “Hosanna; Blessed is He that cometh in the name of the Lord,” so in these last days children’s voices will be raised to give the last message of warning to a perrishing world’ COUNSELS ON EDUCATION by E G WHITE P. 189